Rescue Outreach Needs Your Help!

The snow is finally melting (kinda), the flowers, while a little confused about the weather may be starting to grow, and the sun is finally shining! I decided to make a post about something very important and near and dear to my heart (no, not real estate! But I do love that too.)

  I'm partnering with a rescue and I need your help!


Last October, my better half and I decided to expand our household to include our adorable cat Radish-who you've probably seen already on Facebook. And I cannot begin to even explain how much this little (ha! little-she’s easily 9lbs now) cat has changed my life for the better. I’ve had pets before, but I’ve never had my own; they’ve always been family pets and I’ve never had a cat! But I gotta say, I get it now. From her snuggling by my head in the morning, to watching her give my boyfriend little nose kisses, she is by far the most adorable, curious, confident, silly little cat; and I would have it no other way.

Because of this, I always felt like I wanted to do more after we adopted her but I wasn't sure exactly what to do. So, I did some research-and you'll be surprised (or maybe not) about what I learned. 


The most common time animals get surrendered is during the spring-right after the holidays; It makes sense because by then the ‘cute’ little puppy or kitten isn’t so ‘cute’ anymore. They’re a bigger animal that has bigger needs; enrichment, play, food, anything to stop them from destroying your place or acting out.

On top of that, spring is the time that kittens and puppies decide to make their entrance into the world. On average, 1.5 million shelter animals are euthanized every year in the United States. So, I knew I wanted to do something, but what? 


I reached back out to the rescue we got Radish from-called Rescue Outreach. They work with a high kill shelter in Kentucky and through fosters, take in new animals every two weeks to foster in homes until they can find their perfect family. I'm not asking you to foster or adopt any animals-but I am asking for donations to give to them to help their cause.


There’s a flyer with all the information about everything they're currently in need of at the bottom of this page, and Mastermind, Realtors IS a drop off location. Don't worry about taking it there, just drop it off at our office (by appointment!) and I'll do all the heavy lifting for you. (literally, have you ever lifted a big pail of litter??)


Or, if that doesn't work for you (busy lives, schedules, life in general-I get it!) the Pet Supplies Plus off Durand Ave in Racine has graciously decided to take part-simply add an extra can of food, or treats, or toys to your purchase, and it'll go towards the donation drive!

Their address is:  5557 Durand Ave, Racine, WI 53406. 


I’m so excited for all the good we’re going to be able to do for those who truly can’t do it for themselves-and I hope you’ll join me in donating to a great rescue who does great things for all our furry friends <3

If you managed to get this far, thanks for reading :)

  • Shanna